PFL .... Online News, with Comments and Facebook sharing!

As Tartarugas
Along with public Blogs and eMagazines, these eNewspapers represent our commitment to encourage sharing of student work so their efforts can be recognized by a wider audience and feedback can be given to promote improvement. They were published at Issuu, which allows for comments online and different sharing options. 

The news articles are fictitious and were created by individual students as practice for the newspaper writing style in Laureana's and Ana Paula's classes. Collaboration happened in the grouping of articles to form a
 newspaper. Students also had to agree on the first page headlines and
A Formiga Herald                         the newspaper formatting-style     
   Once uploaded, most students read each others' articles and posted comments online. You can read the newspapers by clicking on the links on top of the images on the left.  A snapshot of students comments is seen at the bottom of this article. Those comments showed a good balance of compliments with constructive criticism and suggestions. Some translated examples are seen below:

- "Your news is clearly written and I like the vocabulary, but needs more    
     information. To make to more realistic next time you can try ..."   

Ferialístico                        - ".. I think your news was written in the right format that sports news are 
      written. But I believe you need at least one citation from one of the   
     players to make it more interesting"

  - "I found the newspaper very well written and interesting ... You did not 
     give your opinion. What I want to know is what you think of the new 

- "I liked your news because it is so interesting ... it shows something that 
    would make a lot of success in real life"

Na Estrada                       
   At the European 1-1 Learning Conference,  Jeff Utecht stressed the importance  
of networked teachers being connectors for the students. As a trial for such a role, 
I shared one of the eNewspapers with my Facebook friends. The idea is to open   
up the audience for the students and hopefully generate varied comments from  different perspectives and abilities.

 You can also leave a comment to the students on Issuu!  


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