Portuguese 9 and IB HL Port .... Public Poetry eMagazines

In this project, Adriana Silveira asked the students to create their own poems based on  themes from the well known Brazilian poets Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Cecília Meireles and Vinicius de Moares (IB course). The theme from the poems was illustrated with pictures from the students' personal collection.  Then, an electronic magazine was created to share the student work, celebrating their sensibility and mastery of the language. By making the eMagazine public, the expectation is to open up to more viewers and invite feedback through comments on the magazine site.

Students worked as a group to make decisions on the emagazine design, so you will see that each group was very creative, coming up with completely different styles. To work collaboratively, the class shared a Google Presentation where blueprint" pages were created. Then each student made a copy of the blueprint slide, changing colors and font according to the style defined by the class. A snapshot of  the collaborative space is shown at the end of this post.

Next to the student's own poem, you can see the poem from the Brazilian author that served as inspiration. In the IB class, students created videos where you can listen to their beautiful interpretation of  the chosen poem from Vinicus de Moraes. Issuu was the Web 2.0 application used to host the Grade 9 magazines and Joomag was the application used for the IB students, as it allowed video embedding.

Due to the public nature of the emagazine, there were many discussions regarding copyright and digital footprints, which ended up influencing project requirements. To avoid image copyright issues, students were required to use their own pictures, which proved to be an easy and creative idea to follow.  Fair Use was on our side regarding the publication of Brazilian author's poems, as these poems were directly related to the student activity (as described in the editor's note), and the citation was provided at the end of the magazine. Students were informed of the public and permanent nature of the emagazine, so the idea of using a pseudonym, as many real poets do, was introduced as an option. Many students used pseudonyms and some used their full names as they wanted to be recognized for their work. As they are not providing any personal information or pictures, providing the full name will add to a positive digital footprint, which is an idea that has been widely discussed here at Graded and follows guidelines from CommonSense Media curriculum. A quote from ASCD "Educational Leadership" that we shared at a parent workshop on digital footprint summarizes the idea:

"Students who see social media spaces as forums for learning begin to paint complex digital portraits of themselves ... and creating products that are an accurate expression of who they are and what they believe in.....Instead of teaching students to be afraid of what others can learn about them online, let's teach them how digital footprints can quickly connect them to the individuals, ideas, and opportunities that they care most about."
Positive Digital Footprints - ASCD - Educational Leadership

Enjoy the poems and leave a comment!

IB HL Port Ling & Lit
Click on the image to open.
Listen to video poem recitation inside!

  Portuguese 9 Block 1

                                                               Portuguese 9 Block 2

                                                                Portuguese 9 Block 5

                                                              Portuguese 9 Block 7

Collaborative working document on Google Presentations
