Brazilian History & Culture .... Video project with online peer feedback

I was very happy to be in Adriana Monti's  Brazilian History & Culture class for a video project she was doing on a press conference about the Kaiowa and Kaapor Indians. We had been talking for a while about some tech project possibilities, so this video project became her debut in many technological skills for which she is very proud now.
The press conference was a very interesting format as she had different groups preparing to be the Indians and other groups preparing to be the press with specific questions. The pairing of Indians and press was decided on the spot and students had to go off and video record the Q&A press conference using the internalized knowledge from the research. Most groups worked independently on the video editing requiring very few tips from me.

As I saw the project developing, my suggestion was to have the videos online so students could check anytime anywhere and could also make comments. We created a Google Site for the BHC class with a page just for this press conference project where the students embedded their videos from individual Youtube Channels (set as unlisted - after a quick talk on digital footprints). The project page looked beautiful and Adriana also added the project guidelines and Rubric that we brainstormed together.

So during the video presentations, the students had their laptops opened on the site's project page and were asked to add comments about the quality of the presentation in terms of content and video format. The idea was to allow everyone to contribute. Students were very engaged in the comments, and some provided many feedback details. Just one or two made jokes in the comment section which were not bad but prompted some laughing from others. Students also engaged in oral comments at the end of each video.

After the presentations, I asked the students to comment on the experience of making live comments. Many said it was good to do it at the same time as the video was playing as they would not forget some details. I asked them if they felt live comment were distracting as there were a few students laughing at each others' comments. Just a couple of students said it was distracting for them.

After debriefing the project with Adriana, I suggested the use of a Google Form embedded on the site to allow live comments without seeing each other's. Another option will be asking for comments only after the video is done. So we will see how it turns out on  another opportunity. This was an experiment to push the boundaries a little bit, taking the video to an online venue that allows different types of interaction, as well as the face-to-face ones. Adriana and I also discussed a rubric for this project that addresses the content knowledge and some of  skills present in the video format that would be appropriate for this specific experience. In the next video project for PFL we will be thinking about requirements and rubric ahead of time. based on this experience. Good job!
